Sunday, June 10, 2018

ನಮ್ಮ ಗುರಿ - Objectives

Goals of this page
1) Announce Rain dates based 1 year advance based on Hindu traditional panchanga style
2) Collect rain information from people (if funding comes, install automatic sensors at village level)
3) Collate data, do data mining and use statistical tool to verify rainy data for the upcoming years
4) The scope of this page is state of Karnataka. Initially it will be modeled for the district of Mysore and Mandya. Once the service is useful, scope expansion can be considered
5) Give training to farmers on how to use the rain data, demand & supply information and plan their crops for optimal revenue

What farmer gets
1) He gets information on rainy days (full year) for his region.
2) He will see statistical data for the past years (1 Year/2 years/ 5years/10 years), to see if the dates correlate to be cyclical. The past data gives confidence factor for the predicted dates
3) Gives feedback on rains from his region. The feedback will be used to improve statistical model
4) Service is free.
5) Professional advice from experts will be arranged, based on need. But that will be charged (a small revenue model to rationalize the costs).

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